Cheaper pet meds?

cone of shame better
You love her. You want to take care of her. But sometimes making sure your dog is as healthy as possible can be expensive.

So how can you keep your dog healthy without breaking the bank?

In our book, Happy Dog Phoenix pointed out the Maricopa County has free prescription drug card that people can sign up for to get discounts on people drugs as well as dog drugs.

The city of Phoenix now has one too. It offers a break of up to 65 percent at participating pharmacies and can really help out people without insurance or those who have high deductibles or co pays. For more information, call 1-800-931-8872 or go to

Here are some other suggestions on getting a break on prescription costs:

  1. Work with your vet: Is there a less-expensive, human drug equivalent? Or generics? Or a cheaper place to fill the drug prescription? Costco and Target fill vet prescriptions.
  2. Other discount drug card programs include:, AAA and AARP.
  3. If you buy online, order from a site that belongs to Vet-VIPPS accredited pharmacies. These sites comply with federal and state licensing requirements and quality assurance; other sites may sell counterfeit or expired medications.

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