Wake Up!

Where exactly is the snooze button on a dog?

One Comment

  1. Charlie D. says:

    Well…this was just too funny!!!

    Dogs perform many of the functions of the newer alarm clocks…the checklist:

    1. Progressive alarms…check
    2. Aroma alarm clocks…definitely check
    3. Cute alarm clocks…check
    4. Disco alarms (bounce around to music)…check
    5. Alarms that stare at you 10 minutes before they go off and you know they are staring at you even though your eyes are closed…double check

    Now in one of those inflight mags I saw a new alarm clock on wheels that scoots off the table and bounces to the floor when it goes off…and then starts across your floor randomly until you can get to it (traveling under the clothes pile and under your bed!)…

    I think that this one fits the “I have to pee…now!” and will not be denied category…


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