Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day to all you moms out there!

We love you and just don’t appreciate you enough.

And for all the women who consider themselves to be dog moms, here’s some advice: When your Significant Other asks “Who do you love more, me or the dog?  Don’t answer it — it’s a trick question.

I learned this lesson the hard way. Just change the subject or drop your drink on the floor or pull a fire alarm but don’t, I repeat, don’t answer that question honestly.

Again, Happy Mother’s Day and stay with the safe topics.


One Comment

  1. Charlie D. says:

    First, it’s not a fair question to ask…it is similar to the love you have for family compared to the love you feel for the person you choose to spend your life with…and you should tell your “Significant Other” so Jodie…but if he pressed you on this I think you should say…

    “I love you and my dog for what I see shared in both of you…you each have qualities that remind me of the other…it’s not whom I love more…you both bring great joys to my heart…”

    But agree that Significant Others and Dogs bring a unique love into our lives…they complement each other day-to-day just as all of our relationships do…he must have (or had) a dog that means(t) a lot to him…ask him to explain those feelings…

    Now if your dog could be wonderful in that way that makes a woman think of a Significant Other as pure “chocolate” and make just SIGH…or your Significant Other could wait at home and start wagging his tail and lick your face each and every time he sees you…then you could compare them!!!!

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